Frequently Asked Questions

How to set up and use discount codes in ClassLoaderPro
Last Updated 8 years ago

Add a new discount code

Log into the console and click the Discount Code link


Click the New button


Complete the form…


Code Description – This is just a name for you to use to keep track of your codes.The end users will never see this description.

Code Text – This is the actual code your users will type in during registration.Try to keep it unique, but simple.Long codes will be harder to use so short 6-8 character codes would be best.

Discount Amount – This the dollar amount of the discount when people use this code. NOTE: Discount codes are meant to provide just that, a discount. They should not be use as gift certificates or to facilitate a free class. For this reason, even if the discount amount exceeds the price of the class, the amount due will still be a minimum of $5.00. If you need to allow registration without payment, use gift certificates instead.

UPDATE 03/04/2019: You can now select if you want the amount to be a dollar amount or percentage amount.

Scope – When people register more than one student in a single transaction (up to five maximum depending on your configuration), this setting determines if the code/discount applies to all students or just one.For example, someone registers two people and uses a discount code worth $10.00 off the price of the class.If this is set to All Student then the total discount would be $20.00, which is $10.00 for each student.If it is set to Only One Student then the total discount would be $10.00.

Quantity – This is the number of times the code can be used before it is no longer valid/accepted.Enter 99999 for virtually unlimited uses.Enter a value of 1 if you want the code to be used only once.

Expiration Date – After this date the code is no longer valid/accepted by the system.

Click the Add button to add the discount code

Update Class Templates and Classes

Now select a Class Template for a class you want to use this discount code on.

Click the Edit icon and scroll to the bottom of the page.

Select the new code we just added so that any new classes of this type will be configured to accept this discount code.



Remember changes to the class templates do not affect classes of that type that have already been created.It only affects new classes.

If you already have classes scheduled that you want to associate with this discount code, you will need to modify each class individually and add the codes you want to use.

Any class or class template can be associated with one or multiple discount codes.

End user experience

User enters discount code during registration process.


On the Order Summary page they will see that the code was applied and the discount amount.


This is also reflected on the receipt page and PDF.

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